- Preferred in Blind Consumer Panel in All Categories
--Aroma, Appearance, Color, Texture and Taste
- Consumers and chefs want roasted peppers (red & yellow)
that are whole and larger in size to utilize in multiple applications
- Consumers and Chefs acknowledged a 87% desire to purchase &
utilize more roasted peppers (as an alternative to fresh) if a product
consistently featured the following attributes:
- sweet and mild flavor (vs. over-processed flavor)
- tender & meaty flavor
- vibrant colors for plate presentations
Primary Chef's Harvest Features & Benefits: - Whole Peppers (vs. strips and pieces)
- Stemmed and Seeded for Prep Time Savings
- Strict Color, Defect and Size Specifications
- Eye-Catching Packaging that Defines Product Features & Applications
- Chefs Kitchen Recipe Suggestions
- Utilize US Grade A -- Peppers